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Search query language

Boolean operators, query limits, symbols, letter case, etc.

Kateryna Gordienko avatar
Written by Kateryna Gordienko
Updated over 5 months ago

The language for search queries consists of boolean operators, which are intended to:

  • specify the distance between keywords

  • clarify the search terms

  • exclude certain words from monitoring

Basic operators in YouScan:

💡 Tips for basic operators

  • To find words that appear side by side in the text, use the /1 operator. This way, you will find mentions where there is only a space between the keywords.
    For example, coca /1 cola.

  • /N operator sets the distance but does not fix the word order.

  • The space between the words in the query equals the AND operator.

  • We allow wildcards in topic queries only after at least 4 characters. Thus c*mp is not allowed. While comp* is allowed.

Advanced operators in YouScan:

  • Advanced and Author-based operators work as filters for a specific part of your query only.

  • Activate operators by pressing CTRL + Space for Windows or Option + Space for macOS.

Author-based operators:

💡 When you write an author's nickname, enclose it in quotation marks to ensure that you only find the nickname in the correct form. Put the author's name in brackets to combine their first and last names and avoid searching for their correctness.

Author-based operators available only for users with Audience Insights add-on:

Peculiarities of the search query in YouScan

👉🏻 You can create multi-line queries, which provide several advantages:

  • Breaking down your query into multiple lines makes it easier to read and edit, especially for complex queries.

  • When dealing with long and intricate queries, it can be challenging to identify the source of an error. Multi-line queries make it easier to pinpoint and address mistakes.

👉 The system recognizes additional symbols, including #, @, %, +, $, etc. This means you can write words, and brand names with all the necessary symbols.

  • You can search for words with additional symbols:
    @nike, #apple, $PYPL

  • You can search for a specific username or person's name with just one character difference: Leo /1 Messi can find @leo_messi, #leo_messi, leo-messi, LeoMessi, #Messi #Leo

  • You can now even track email addresses with our search: can find or

  • To exclude email addresses from the query, list them with @, without quotes:

👉 The maximum size of a search query is 10 000 characters.

👉 Search queries are not case-sensitive, so you can use capital or lower-case letters.

👉 YouScan automatically finds the mentions in different forms. If you want to find a word or phrase in a fixed form, use quotes "".
👉Operators can be used in internal searches.

Read more about how to create a new monitoring topic here.

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