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Widget types in custom dashboards

Visualizing report data in YouScan

Kateryna Gordienko avatar
Written by Kateryna Gordienko
Updated over a week ago

Using the new Dashboards function, you can set up widgets to help visualize your monitoring topic metrics for a set of parameters. In this article, you will learn about the different types of widgets available in YouScan:
Word cloud
Pie chart


Metric is the simplest type of widget. It can help track changes over time - for example, changes in the total number of mentions, views, or engagement.

You can only select one value for this widget.

The arrow icon next to the graph shows how this metric compares to one in a similar date range in percentage points. A green arrow indicates growth, while a red arrow indicates decline.


This widget will help you add the full visualization of the mentions to your custom dashboard.

All the filters available in the system or sorting methods can be applied to the mention widget for you to get only the needed mentions visualized. The widget will also show all the available information about the mention: the author's name, the source, the date and the text of the mention, and even the picture (if there is any). However, you can't assign or share the mention directly from the widget, nor can you change the sentiment.

☝️The mentions in the mention widget will be updated according to the settings of your dashboard.


This type of widget can help you visualize your audience's geographical breakdown. For example, by setting up the Geo widget by engagement, you can find your most active audience.

By clicking on the country on the map, you can view which regions received the highest engagement. You can also enlarge the map or move from region to region.

Click "Save country" to view only the selected area in the widget when you open the dashboard.

Word cloud

This widget lists the top 100 words, phrases and emojis used most frequently in your topic over the chosen time frame. The word's size in the cloud indicates how frequently it occurs.

You can exclude redundant word categories when viewing the widget in the dashboard.


This type of widget is similar to the metric graph, except that you can add a second parameter to a line — for example, to break down engagement by source. There is no feature to compare these metrics to a previous date range, like in the metric widget, but you can see the total number of mentions at any given time.

By default, "Max ticks" is set to 5. Each tick represents the number of parameters on the X-axis of the graph - for example, data from a specific source. You can increase or decrease this number as needed.

Pie chart

If you wish to compare data by percentage points, use the pie chart widget. By hovering over a chart section, you will see a percentage number for that parameter - for example, total TikTok engagement in your topic.


This widget excels in facilitating visual comparisons. For instance, you can effortlessly discern which sources feature the highest number of mentions about your monitoring object, providing a streamlined and insightful way to analyze data.


You can group your graph by a specific parameter — for example, the breakdown of sources by sentiment. A bar would be perfect for visualizing this kind of data.

Stacked bar chart

Use a stacked bar chart to visualize several grouped data points. For example, you can display aspects on your X-axis, where each parameter will have a dedicated bar with stacked segments by each sentiment.

This chart displays in a numerical format by default; you can change this by clicking the percentage icon. Data for the Y axis will be displayed as percentage points.


This widget will come in handy for displaying an intersection of quantified values. For example, the number of mentions from people of various occupations.


With a text widget, you can:

  • Explain your discoveries in a way your coworkers or clients can understand, including what to examine and how to interpret the data;

  • Add summaries provided by Insights Copilot;

  • Add any additional text that you need;

  • Create this widget following a standard widget-adding flow.

Edit graph legends in a widget

To make your widgets super easy to understand, you can edit your widget properties and give them names that work better than the default ones for you or your colleagues. There are two ways to do this.
1. To rename the legends while you're creating the widget:

  • Click on «Legend» tab when creating the widget;

  • Type in the new name next to the default legend;

  • Finish creating the widget by clicking «Next».

2. You can rename the legends in a ready-made dashboard:

  • Click on the three-dot menu and then «Edit»;

  • Click on «Legend» tab;

  • Type in the new name next to the default legend;

  • Click on «Next»;

  • Click on «Update widget».

Сomparing topics and different periods in a widget

You can also use a widget to compare the data from several topics. This option is available for the following types of widgets:

  • Line

  • Pie

  • Bar

  • Stacked bar

  • Spider

  • Comparison

Let's use a Stacked bar graph to compare the share of voice of two brands in the top 5 sources.

To create such a widget, follow these steps:

  • Select “Stacked bar” from the list of charts;

  • Choose the first topic you will use. Then click on “+ Topic to compare” to choose the second topic for comparison. You can add up to 10 topics;

    ☝️ You can delete one of the segments by simply clicking the bin icon next to the name of the topic;

  • Select the parameters in your topics you would like to compare: from mentions, authors, and sources to likes, reposts, and comments;

  • You can also select the needed date range for your widget;

You can compare not only different topics but also different time periods. To do this:

  • Select a topic to compare;

  • Apply the desired time periods by clicking on «Data range».

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