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Analyze dynamics and trends of discussions using Overview
Analyze dynamics and trends of discussions using Overview

Learn how to track the dynamics of discussions, find main discussions, and see geography of mentions

Anastasia Kibets avatar
Written by Anastasia Kibets
Updated over 5 months ago

The Overview tab allows you to see the total volume of mentions in a topic, see the general conversation trends, view trending topics and related discussions, and understand which country or region engages with your monitoring subject the most.

In the Analytics section, navigate to the Overview tab.

Filters and calendar

The conversation trend graph is created automatically to reflect your selected time period:

  • If the selected time period is less than 4 days, the graph shows information by the hour.

  • If the time period spans from 4 to 119 days, the graph shows days.

  • If you selected 120 days or more, the graph shows weekly trends.

You can view metrics for all mentions or filter them.

If you click on any point on the graph, you will see all mentions in that time period, with your chosen filters. You can read more about filters in YouScan here.

Topic overview

You can find general topic analytics above the conversation trend graph. All indicators reflect metrics for your selected time period.

Total mentions – the total number of mentions published in the selected time period.

Total authors – the number of unique authors who posted about your monitoring subject. It doesn't matter how many times an author posts about your topic, YouScan will only count them once.

If the mention came from a news article, the media organization will be considered the author.

Engagement – the sum of all likes, comments and shares.
Net Sentiment Rate (NSR) – sentiment ratio of mentions in your topic, on a -100 to 100 scale, with zero being neutral.

☝️ Green and red arrows next to each metric shows how much it has changed compared to a previous similar period.

Statistics by various metrics

To make your analytics deeper and more effective, use "Statistics by" feature.

Apart from statistics by mentions, you can choose between:

  • Engagement: tracking the engagement metric can show how actively involved people are with your brand. This can help you boost the performance of your campaigns.

  • Views: helps you see analytics for the most-viewed posts. Tracking views can help you measure your ad campaigns' reach.

    ☝️ We determine the view count only on platforms offering public access to this information.

  • Potential reach: helps to track how many people have potentially seen mentions of your brand and identify the most impactful mentions early.

  • Comments, Reposts, and Likes: these metrics allow you to dive deeper into how users are engaged with your brand.

🙌 "Statistics by" comes in handy when working on your social media marketing campaigns.


The "bubbles" on the trend graphs represent conversation spikes. These are discussions of your monitoring subject that have trended in your selected time period. YouScan detects trending discussions automatically using machine learning algorithms.

By hovering your cursor around a trend "bubble," you can find out more about it - things like content type (using auto-categories), source, and author gender. The bubble's color is determined by the trend's sentiment: it can be green, blue or red, which indicates positive, neutral and negative sentiment, respectively.

You can also find a filtered top trend list for the selected time period in the Analytics section below the graph, on the right-hand side. The trend's overall sentiment is marked with the same colours as the graph: green means positive, blue means neutral and red means negative.

You can filter to only see mentions from trending conversations by clicking on any trend "bubble" on the graph. You will be redirected to a mention stream filtered by the selected trend.

Geographical distribution of mentions

If you scroll down past the conversation trend graph, you will see a map that shows where in the world users who have engaged with your topic are located. The brighter the country (or region) is on the map, the more mentions originated from that country.

By hovering your cursor around a country, you can check the exact quantity of mentions from that region.

When you click on a country, state, or city, YouScan automatically filters all mentions from that region, so you can easily view and analyze them in detail.

Exporting data

The conversation trend graph is available for download in the following formats: PNG, JPEG, SVG, PDF, XLS (spreadsheet), CSV (spreadsheet).

To download the graph, click "Export" and select your desired format in the dropdown menu.

You can also create an analytics digest, which provides a PDF with a full overview of your monitoring topic with graphs and trends.

☝️ Digests and graphs are exported with filtered data.

💡 If you need additional data for your analysis, use the exported Analytics report in Excel. Find out more about YouScan exports here.

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