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Working with Sentiment in YouScan's Analytics

Analyze your data by sentiment to track positive, negative and neutral mentions of your brand

Anastasia Kibets avatar
Written by Anastasia Kibets
Updated over 5 months ago

YouScan differentiates between three types of sentiment: positive, neutral and negative. Sentiment is detected automatically by default. You can learn more about sentiment detection here.

To analyze the sentiment in the discussions of your monitoring subject, navigate to the General Analytics section and select the Sentiment tab.

Filters and calendar

The conversation trend graph is created automatically to reflect your selected time period.

To change the monitoring period, use the calendar in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard. The new dates you select will be applied to all data in the Sentiment report.

Use filters to analyze data from a specific source, author, or only see a specific type of mention. These filters will be applied to all data in the Sentiment report.

For example, let's say you want to analyze mentions from the news media.

Sentiment dynamics graph

To view posts with a specific sentiment, click on the ones you don't need under the graph. For example, if you only want to analyze the distribution of posts with positive and negative sentiment, click on the neutral sentiment icon in the legend.

To analyze sentiment for a specific day, week or month, choose any point on the graph to view the number of positive, neutral and negative posts in that selected time period.

☝️ YouScan's graphs reflect hours, days, weeks or months on the x-axis depending on the time period selected in the calendar. Learn more about graphs here.

By clicking on any point on a graph that reflects a specific sentiment, you can see the stream of mentions filtered by that sentiment.

Sentiment distribution diagram

You can figure out how much of the overall mention volume bears positive, negative and neutral sentiment using the sentiment distribution diagram. To find out exactly what percentage of mentions was posted in a specific time period, hover over that section of the diagram.

Sections of the graph are clickable. You can use it to visually compare the number of positive and negative mentions, for example.

Sentiment distribution over time graph

Similar to the sentiment distribution graph, you can view the total number of positive, neutral and negative mentions here - but it gives you additional information about the distribution of these sentiments in a specific moment in time.

The graph is interactive. You can use it to compare the percentage of negative and neutral mentions, for example.

Exporting data

Sentiment graphs are available for download in the following formats: PNG, JPEG, SVG, PDF, XLS (spreadsheet), CSV (spreadsheet).

To download the graph, click "Export" and select your desired format in the dropdown menu.

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