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Collection method by Channels
Collection method by Channels

Access a stream of posts from a specific user profile, group or location

Kateryna Gordienko avatar
Written by Kateryna Gordienko
Updated over a week ago

Why Channels?

Sometimes, monitoring keywords alone is not enough; you need to see all posts from a specific page. For example, this can be a brand's official page or group on social media.

We call these pages "channels." By adding a channel to your topic, you can receive all posts from the channel regardless of other topic settings.

How are posts collected from Channels?

Adding a page to Channels allows you to select the desired time period for your data collection (the default setting is a month).

Then, all data available for collection will be collected from the page. The stream update frequency starts at 10 minutes for social media pages and takes up to an hour for other platforms.

☝️ For the system to work smoothly, there should be no more than 200 channels per 1 topic

How to enable Channels

  • Go to Settings in the topic where you'd like to include a new channel

  • From the list of most popular sources, select the one you need

  • In the pop-up window, enter your URL and click Search

  • Select the period for which you want to collect data

  • Click Add to start monitoring the page

  • If you don’t see the source you need in the list, simply enter your URL in the input above the list.

Examples of links and some details for channel sources


Pages are the only type of Facebook pages that can be added as a channel (User Profiles and Groups are unavailable). We'll collect the following data:

  • posts

  • posts where the page was @mentioned (only for owned pages - those authorized by the user with admin access to them)

  • reposts (made by the page, which is added as a channel)

  • comments

  • reviews (only for owned pages; a mention has five stars if the page is recommended, 1 star if it is not recommended)

☝️ Important: all data except for owned posts is anonymized (we will not collect any information about users' bio, geo, link, subscribers, photo, etc)

Moreover, we won't count these anonymized authors in the Total Authors number in the Analytics.

📚 Go ahead and check out our full guide on how to authorize a Facebook page in YouScan


☝️Important: all data except non-owned business profile info, owned posts, and stories is anonymized. For authors of comments, there are nicknames and URLs but no other details.

💡Before including an Instagram channel, you first need to authorize a connected Facebook Page in YouScan.

Ads Manager

(Posts and comments related to sponsored posts)

💡Before adding an Ads Manager channel, you need to authorize a connected Facebook Page in YouScan.

How to find a link?

  1. Go to and login to your Facebook account;

  2. Choose the ad account you want to add as a channel from a list;

    3. Copy URL link from the browser. Make sure that the link contains ad account id ->************


💡Before adding a LinkedIn page, authorize it in YouScan.


While including a Twitter profile,, you get a choice of two streams:

  • All tweets from this user;

  • All @mentions of this user.


☝️ You can add up to 5 TikTok channels for free. Chat with our support if you need to add more.


Public channels and chats -

App Store

To monitor app reviews, specify the country you'd like to include. For example:







By using a single company page URL you can choose what to collect:

  • reviews

  • complaints

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